
some introductory plc analog input modules supply identified

plc analog input modules is not equal to the number of inductive power supply circuit relative to the number depends on the power supply circuit with the corresponding control chip , like a lot of looks like a 6 or 8-phase loop powered with eight large inductor placed there , in fact, really 4 +2 or 4 +4 phase .
As for the seemingly Bluff actually do not plc programmable controller  practice special programs , because it's like hyper-threading as other conditions , like dual nuclear power plant thread certainly not four nuclear power plant thread is strong, but plc analog input modules will be stronger than the dual-core double thread ; same 4 +4 phase power but not as authentic eight- phase loop will come stronger than pure four-phase circuits.
As to why there will be " inductive loop number is  programmable plc the number of power " such a statement, in fact, is not high because the previous CPU -power motherboard power supply circuit is really so little time , but is now coming out of the 24 -phase power supply board , if you really 24 -phase power supply in accordance with the purely physical , and that as a direct digital powering up.
Now the number is three or four inductors can be judged as a three-phase or four-phase loop-powered , but if eight or even double plc sequence of events module  digits , then the official website or directly query the data more reliable .
To answer your case, right is left is the memory expansion slot , 3-phase power supply should not run. But see how many MOSFET , watching looks like a two -phase loop one last look MOSFET, this circuit withstand the current pressure is not recommended or not considered a high- power processor .

